My name is Khushimaya Gurung. I am 25 years old. I am 5th daughter of my parents Buddhi Bahadur Gurung and Mangali Gurung. My mother gave birth of 5 daughters in a hope of having a baby boy. After giving birth of 5 daughters, son was born to my mother.
My father in his young age migrated to India in a hope of employment. Later he took mother also to India. We all children were born in India. My father had a very little income, so that we could not get opportunity to go to school. We were illiterate. During that time one Gurung family from Harmi, Gorkha was also living in our neighborhood in India. In the course of time, we were grown up. My eldest sister Kumari Gurung got married to that Gurung family’s second son. I used to go to my sister’s rented room time and again as her in-laws family was good.
As days were passing, my sister’s youngest brother in law Deepak Gurung and I fell in love. I got married with him. I was just 14 years at that time. After my marriage, we (my husband, sister and her husband and father in law) came back to Harmi, Gorkha. After 1 year I gave birth of a baby boy. At that time income was very little only my sister’s husband and my husband were earning a little, but our family was huge including my sister’s 3 children and my son, we were altogether 9 family members. In that situation my sister and I decided to do a small business for livelihood. We started tea and snacks shop at our house, but we could not do calculation of sales, how to add and how much return to the customers. We found very difficult to do transaction, although we were running business with support of the children and with the help of customers themselves. However, in the meantime the devastating earthquake occurred in April 25, 2015 destroyed everything including our house, we lost everything. No house, no shop. We stayed in a small shelter made out of tin. After 1 year I joined literacy class run by Harmikot CLC with support of ERDCN. CLC gave me an opportunity to do tailoring training as well. From literacy class I learned numbers and mathematics too in two level’s course. That helped me to do tailoring training, without knowing number and mathematics; it wouldn’t be possible to take measurement of customers for clothing and cutting the cloth. Later I started tailoring business with some cloth. My husband supported me do tailoring business. I can do calculation, accounting and measuring too. My tailoring business went well. I started earning my livelihood from this business. These days I feel so good that students (girls) from +2 are also doing training with me. Now I would like to learn English language. I reached to this level because of my sister and my teacher Rama Miss who taught me letters, so I would like to thank them from bottom of my heart. They are my mentors. I wish Harmikot CLC to help other women like me.