My name is Mira Pariyar. I was born in Dhading district. I am 61 years old now. I got married to Bhagat Damai who lived in Bungkot VDC of Gorkha district. After some year, we migrated to Dhuwankot VDC.
There are 11 members in my family. We have 8 grandchildren; 5 from elder son and 3 from youngest son. My youngest daughter in law married to another man leaving her husband and children. After that my youngest son also went away leaving us and till now nobody knows where he is. From that time, I have been taking all the responsibilities of grandchildren too. My husband cannot work, he is too old.
We are very poor; we don't have our own land, and even the house we are living in is public place. I am a member of Solighopte Bhumeshwori Women Group.
I got chance to participate in family literacy class run by Dhuwankot CLC with the support of ERDCN in 2073.
I learned to read and write from the family literacy class.
I received Rs.10000 from Dhuwankot CLC with the support of ERDCN for small scale petty trade business. From that money I have started banana business. These days, I buy banana in village in low cost and take to Khaireni Bazaar to sell. With the profit of banana business, I bought chicken and I am able to fulfill my family’s basic needs and support in grandchildren's education. I earned 8000 rupees within 4 months. I would like to thank Dhuwankot CLC & ERDCN for the support.