What We Do ?
Life Long Learning Opportunity through Community Learning Centre (CLC) for Changing Livelihood
ERDCN has been implementing functional educational programme in order to alleviate illiteracy and poverty. It is important that functional literacy as a foundation of lifelong learning process is a means for livelihood enhancement. Hence, any sorts of vocational or entrepreneurship skills will be associated with literacy in order to make this functional. ERDCN facilitates the process of strengthening CLC which is known as an avenue for education and development discourses at the local level. ERDCN promotes technical and vocational education (hard skills and soft skills) such as punctuality, planning, mediation, analysis and reasoning to address the needs of out of school adolescent girls and boys. ERDCN provides technical support to income generation groups for marketing of the local products within and outside the country. Similarly, life skills related knowledge based activities (cope with stress, disaster management, risk management, counseling etc.) will be included in functional literacy and training as required.
Formal Education – Improving Access to Quality Education and Health Services (Equitable Access to Quality Education)
ERDCN scales up its awareness raising activities for identifying the excluded children in terms of caste/ethnicity, gender, disability, culture, language, geographical reason, economic status, and their inclusion in formal schooling. ERDCN intends to promote early grade reading and child friendly learning environment by helping schools especially in training and material development.
Capacity Building
ERDCN’s capacity and mission are to encourage community people for their active participation to solve their problems themselves using resources received from other institutions and available at local level. For their encouragement, ERDCN provides facilitation support and capacity building trainings through CLCs. Therefore, ERDCN is designing projects to make functional existing CLCs and expand CLCs strengthening programmes in Gorkha district. ERDCN conducts training on CLC management, planning development, social audit, minute writing, report writing, proposal writing, case study writing, IT skills, off-seasonal vegetable farming, accounting etc.
Resource Centre and Material Development
ERDCN has been running Educational Resource Centre since its establishment. We have expertise in developing training materials, basic and post literacy primers. Resource Centre has more than 400 different types of IEC materials on display. We welcome everyone to visit Resource Centre. Visitors can purchase reading materials from ERDCN. We sell library/book corner sets of IEC material.
ERDCN takes a lead role in its programme districts and at national level in evidence-based advocacy for alleviating illiteracy and fostering the culture of continuing education, promoting equitable access to quality education, scaling up of early grade reading in schools, and developing curriculum, textbooks, reading materials as per cultural and linguistic contexts at the local level. Empirical information and findings of the research and action research undertaken by ERDCN will be used for accelerating the advocacy initiatives at the national and district level. Social and educational research and action research will be helpful to explore new issues for advocacy in the days to come.
Research and Consultancy Services
As an experienced organization having technical expertise, ERDCN provides consultancy services to governmental and non-governmental organizations especially in material development, training, project designing and proposal writing, research and evaluation. ERDCN maintains a roster of the researchers, experts and professionals and update regularly.
"How Community Learning Center (CLC) Changed My Life"
My name is Mira Pariyar. I was born in Dhading district. I am 61 years old now. I got married to Bhagat Damai who lived in Bungkot VDC of Gorkha district. After some year, we migrated to DhuwankotRead More
I can do calculation, accounting and measuring too.
My name is Khushimaya Gurung. I am 25 years old. I am 5th daughter of my parents Buddhi Bahadur Gurung and Mangali Gurung. My mother gave birth of 5 daughters in a hope of having a baby boy. After giving birth of 5 daughters, son was born to myRead More